Zero Waste Essential Oils

essential oils zero waste

Essential oils are a growing trend in the wellness world. They are incredibly potent, and have many uses in beauty, home cleaning and aromatherapy. Despite their efficacy, it’s important to consider the impact of essential oils on the environment.

The amount of plant material needed to produce a single drop of essential oil is astronomical. In fact, it takes about 242,000 rose petals to distill five mL of rose essential oil or about three pounds of lavender flowers to extract 15 mL of lavender essential oil.

Most essential oils are produced using a process called extraction, which means they are extracted from parts of plants including leaves, flowers, twigs, seeds and bark. This involves high levels of water and fossil fuels.

Some essential oils are more sustainable than others, and this can depend on the specific plant. For example, eucalyptus oil has been shown to be more sustainable than peppermint and thyme because eucalyptus is harvested in a way that prevents it from polluting surrounding ecosystems.

When purchasing essential oils, make sure to do your research and choose ones that are sustainably produced. This can mean buying from a small company or one that has a local presence. It may also mean buying fewer oils and looking for ones that are made in smaller quantities.

There are many different types of essential oils and each has its own benefits and uses. For instance, lavender has a calming and relaxing effect on the mind. It also has antiseptic properties which makes it a great choice for disinfecting your home.

You can use lavender to relieve cold symptoms, improve sleep, reduce stress and control your appetite. It can also help ease pain, promote digestion and reduce inflammation.

Other essential oils include geranium, orange and ylang ylang which can be used to soothe the skin, treat rashes and boost immunity. They can also be used as massage oils, perfumes and infusions to help calm the body and mind.

In addition, essential oils can be used to help sanitize and disinfect your food. You can add a few drops to your homemade cleaning solutions or spray them on fruits, vegetables and other food items to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

These can also be applied directly to the skin to treat conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. They also have antimicrobial and fungicidal properties.

It’s also a great alternative to synthetic fragrance oils which are known for their negative impacts on the environment and are not considered to be environmentally friendly. You can also look for organic and cruelty-free oils to ensure they are made with the highest quality ingredients.

You can also look for companies that are working to eliminate their environmental impact by adopting zero-till farming techniques, such as Young Living. These methods avoid the need for invasive fertilizers and irrigation to keep crops healthy.

It’s also important to check out MSDS sheets for each product and take them with you when making a purchase. This will provide toxicity information, flammability warnings and disposal directions. Some oils are even toxic to aquatic life, so it’s crucial to dispose of them properly.