The Difference Between High Quality and Low Quality Lavender Essential Oil

essential oils lavender

The popularity of essential oils has exploded. And that means more and more people are looking for high quality lavender essential oil to add to their wellness routine. But not all lavender essential oil is created equal. It’s important to know the difference between a high-quality lavender oil and a low-quality one, so you can choose the best essential oils for your needs.

Lavender is a gentle yet powerful oil that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. It has a soft, sweet, fresh and herbaceous aroma with just a hint of camphor. It’s non-irritating and non-sensitizing making it perfect for aromatherapy, skin care, hair care and natural household and cleaning uses. It blends easily with other essential oils such as ylang ylang, geranium, sandalwood, lemon, citrus oils, chamomile, rose and helichrysum.

Unlike many other plant oils, lavender essential oil is highly concentrated. This makes it the go-to for most first aid treatments. Inhaling the scent of lavender essential oil may soothe headache and tension-related stress symptoms. It can help ease menstrual cramps, calm insomnia, and relieve nausea. It’s also one of the safest essential oils for children and pregnant women, a great choice for easing respiratory issues, calming bug bites, and soothing burns.

Aside from its calming fragrance, lavender essential oil has antiseptic, analgesic and sedative properties that make it an excellent addition to any first aid kit. It is also one of the most effective essential oils for treating acne. The oil’s anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties help to fight the bacteria that cause the inflammation and redness of acne. Lavender oil may even be able to prevent future breakouts by keeping pores clear.

Inhaling the scent of lavender is a proven way to help you fall asleep faster and get a better night’s sleep. It’s also been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress which can lead to restlessness. Adding a few drops to a diffuser or cotton ball and placing it near your pillow is an easy way to incorporate lavender into your bedtime routine.

If you’re on the hunt for a quality lavender essential oil, check the label for the botanical name of the oil and see if it has a GC/MS report. This will let you know the exact chemical makeup of the oil, so you can be confident you’re getting the highest-quality lavender oil for your therapeutic needs. And remember to always use your essential oils diluted, never undiluted. If you have any questions about how to properly use your essential oils, contact the manufacturer. They should have customer support representatives available to answer your questions and concerns. They should also be able to provide you with detailed instructions on how to store your oil. You’ll keep your oils fresh longer when they are stored in a dark, cool place. Keep in mind, essential oils deteriorate quickly if not stored correctly. So make sure to follow the manufacturer’s storage recommendations on your product label.