Find Out What Oil Meanings Are Associated With Certain Plants

Essential oils are the essence of a plant. An essential oil is extracted from a particular type of botanical resource. There are hundreds of essential oils and each oil has a specific unique meaning. Each plant has flowers, leaves, bark, seeds and stems that contain oil. The oil is extracted by distillation or through a process called steam distillation.

essential oil meanings

A specific essential oil has a specific symbolic meaning in various cultures. In some instances, the meaning of an essential oil varies depending on whether it is used for medicinal purposes or for scent. Each oil has a unique color as well. Most plants have green and red essential oils while some have orange and lemon essential oils.

Some of the plant uses and applications have been around for centuries. Rosemary has been used to treat many conditions such as depression, asthma and arthritis. It can be used to help with heart disease and to encourage a healthy heart. Peppermint tea is often recommended for those who suffer from chronic sinusitis. Rosewater is recognized for its calming properties and can be used for soothing, many different body pains such as headaches, sore throat, toothaches, varicose veins and back pain. Lavender has also been recognized for its healing properties and is used to treat many digestive ailments including heartburn.

The therapeutic properties of certain essential oils date back to biblical times. During those times, people would use the oils to purify themselves. Egyptians also used the oils to perfume themselves and to sprinkle their home with essential oils to enhance beauty. The Bible also refers to certain oils as smelling salts and says that they should not be used to unclog a nose.

Modern medicine has come a long way when it comes to using oils to heal and to treat sickness. In recent years, however, the plant has been studied for its therapeutic properties. Researchers now know that the plant possesses many healing powers and the compounds of the oil have been found to be very bio-active. They can pass on these bio-active compounds to humans, stimulating healing and boosting immune system function. Essential oil uses in alternative medicine include several types of massage therapy and aromatherapy. There are many plant uses for which there is no clear evidence of negative health effects.

However, the scientific community has not accepted the claims that essential oil meanings can have healing powers for all conditions and all people. Still, there are many people who believe in the benefits of essential oil and use them for personal purposes. Some even incorporate the oil into their regular diet. If you are interested in purchasing a bottle of essential oil and are unsure of what it might do for you or your condition, you might want to look into pure essential oil products. These products are made from pure essential oils and will not contain any synthetic chemicals or toxins.