Essential Oils Safe For Pets?

It’s important to understand the answer to the question “Are essential oils safe for pets?” before you start looking for remedies and products that use these oils. As a pet owner, it is imperative that you learn the answer to this question because you want only the best for your family friend or pet. If you don’t, you will be disappointed with any results when trying to treat your pet’s health problems. Here’s what you need to know.

essential oils safe for pets

When you apply essential oils to your pet, you are not only affecting them physically but also their psychologically. Aromatherapy is based on the idea that we use our own scent as a cue to communicate with others. In the same way, our pets sense our body’s scent. By giving them a spray or dab of your favorite essential oil or a product that uses your scent as a fragrance, you are sending a message that will affect them positively.

So, how do you know if these oils are safe for your dog or cat? This is a trickier question than asking “are essential oils safe for human.” If you are giving your dog or cat a bath, it is possible that some of the products you are going to use may contain DHT, which is produced by male dogs as well as some female cats. DHT is an ingredient found in several of the most popular commercial shampoo products. The problem with DHT is that while it blocks the production of testosterone, it also blocks the release of estrogen. This causes many of the common signs of aging to appear on your pet.

When pet owners discover that essential oils may be causing some of their pet’s symptoms, they often panic and begin searching for ways to resolve the problem. Often times, pet owners will start giving their animals baths using harsh shampoos and bathing products. Although this may be effective initially, harsh chemicals can have adverse reactions in later life and even cause more problems. Many animal health experts recommend using non-chemical based shampoos and lotions around pets, instead of those containing harsh chemicals.

Some of the safest essential oils for pets to use include thyme, Rosemary, eucalyptus, marjoram and clove. These plants have been used for hundreds of years to help maintain a healthy coat of fur and improve the smell of the skin. In fact, thyme has been found to be extremely beneficial when applied to humans as well. Thyme helps to sooth muscle pain and is great at removing buildup of bacteria on the scalp. It also helps reduce dandruff by preventing the buildup of flakiness and scales on the scalp. Pet owners who give their animals baths often notice that thyme smells wonderful after being added to the water.

Horses are another group of animals that can benefit from the scent of essential oils. Because they live out of doors in hot, dry weather, horses need a natural way to cool down in the summertime and to help fight inflammation. Aromatherapy may be able to help alleviate symptoms of arthritis, which is one of the diseases that affect horses. In addition, some essential oils may help horses that are suffering from blisters or wounds from accidents. While there is still much research that needs to be done in this area, using essential oils on horses may help them avoid infections that can be dangerous. Although there is no evidence that essential oils are harmful to people, it is important for horse owners to be aware of the potential dangers of using these products on their animals.