Essential Oils Killed My Cat

essential oils killed my cat

When it comes to essential oils, the quality of the product and the amount of essential oil used is a major determining factor in whether your pet will live or die. If your cat is exposed to a lot of the stuff, it can have a negative impact on his health.

There are some essential oils that are harmless to cats. However, there are other ones that are harmful. To determine if an essential oil is safe for your pet, you will need to consult a veterinarian. He or she will be able to advise you on the right product for your cat and the proper dose.

The olfactory senses are very sensitive in cats. They’re especially sensitive to phenolic compounds in oils. This is one of the reasons why essential oils should be kept in low concentrations. The smallest dose you can give your pet is the minimum required to have a positive effect.

As with any household item, be sure to read labels and choose the best product for your needs. The best products will be those that are not diluted with chemicals. They should also be stored away from your pet’s reach. Some of the safer brands to look for are Young Living and Doterra.

The best way to get your cat to smell the good stuff is to start slowly and gradually introduce a few drops of essential oil into your home. This will allow you to avoid any negative reactions. Make sure you keep the essential oil in a container that is out of your cat’s reach. You may want to put a diffuser in the area where your cat can leave you. You can do this by putting a few drops of the essential oil in a spray bottle of water. The resulting concoction should be around a 50:1 dilution ratio.

In addition to the good old fashioned scent, some essential oils also contain a number of other properties. This includes phenols, a type of chemical that can be toxic to cats. They also contain antioxidants.

The olfactory senses of the human body are highly specialized, so a little bit of exposure will have a big impact on a cat’s health. Those that have a weak liver can be poisoned. Aside from the obvious signs of exposure, you should also be on the lookout for other symptomatic behaviors such as vomiting and diarrhea. If your cat shows any of these signs, it’s time to take him or her to the vet. The worst case scenario is respiratory arrest. The good news is that many cats can recover from such a situation.

The most important thing to remember is that you should only use the essential oil with your vet’s approval. This is the best way to ensure your cat’s health and safety. The vet will perform a physical examination to verify that you’re using the right type of product for your cat. You should then buy from a reputable source, such as a pharmacy or veterinary clinic.