Essential Oils For Fleas

essential oils for fleas

Essential Oils For Fleas

There are several essential oils for fleas that can be used to get rid of these parasites. Lemongrass, tea tree, peppermint, geranium, and eucalyptus oil are all natural insect repellents. Lemongrass also has a citrusy scent that makes fleas hate it. To use lemongrass oil to get rid of fleas, mix one to three drops of lemongrass oil with water. Add the mixture to a spray bottle and put it near your pets’ area. You can also diffuse the aroma in your home.

Some essential oils have insect-repelling properties. When applied to the skin or pet’s fur, essential oils can repel fleas while soothing the skin. While some essential oils can be harmful if used undiluted, they are relatively safe when used sparingly on pets. You can apply a few drops of an essential oil to your pet’s fur, especially on its coat. But you should always dilute them properly before applying them to your pets.

You can use these oils to kill fleas on your dog or cat. The most commonly used essential oil is d-limonene. It is obtained from orange peels and has minimal effectiveness against fleas. D-limonene can also penetrate the skin, which can lead to peripheral vasodilation and hypotension. Avoid using these essential oils near children. It can cause allergic reactions.

When using essential oils to treat fleas, make sure that you dilute them thoroughly with a carrier oil. You can either massage them into the coat or use a spray bottle to apply them to your dog. You should never spray the oils directly on the face or on the genital region of your pet. Instead, focus on the joints, the underbelly, and the neck areas. And remember to check the labels carefully to be sure that they are pure and natural.

Unlike other pesticides, essential oils for fleas can be safely applied on pets. Just make sure that you don’t apply the essential oils on your pets’ skin. Some essential oils can cause irritation to the skin. If your pet is allergic to certain substances, you should avoid them. Even if they’re allergic to the essential oils, they are safe for your pet. If you’re using a chemical, you should follow the directions on the packaging.

Essential oils are natural insecticides. They can also be used as a DIY remedy for fleas. You can find these oils on Amazon or other online retailers. It’s best to buy quality essential oils for fleas as they are far safer than synthetic products. So, you can be assured that your pet’s safety is your number one priority. Then, you can simply apply the oil to the fleas and watch them die!