Essential Oils Blends – 5 Tips for Safe, Effective Aromatherapy

essential oils blends

A blend of essential oils can make a great aromatherapy product. But you need to know the proper ways of mixing essential oils. Essential oils are natural plant extracts that can be used for a variety of purposes, including soothing muscles and enhancing your mood. You can also use them to add pleasant fragrance to your home.

Essential oils are expensive, so it’s best to start with a few drops at a time. This will give you the chance to learn more about how they behave. During your first blending experiment, you should choose a blend of at least 20% base notes and 30% top notes. Then you can add the middle note oils to create a body for your blend.

It’s also important to store your essential oils safely. They may become damaged if they come into contact with water or other substances. Ideally, you should store your oils in dark-colored glass bottles. If you are not using them right away, they can begin to change their scent. Also, you should keep in mind that some essential oils have an acidic property, which can burn your skin.

As with any type of blending, you must take safety precautions. Do not place the oils on broken or cut skin. Never apply an undiluted essential oil to your face. And, you must not use essential oils that are scented with strong odors, as they may clash with other odors. To learn more about safe blending, check out our article, “How to Blend Essential Oils: 5 Tips for Safe, Effective Aromatherapy.”

Before making an essential oil blend, you’ll want to consider the type of room you will be putting it in. For instance, if you are creating a body oil, you’ll need more drops of the blend than if you’re using it as a room freshener. In addition, you should consider the presence of pets and children.

Blends are fun to experiment with, so you shouldn’t be afraid to try out different blends. One way to do this is to test them out on a cotton ball. Another option is to use fragrance testing strips. Both methods can help you figure out which blends you like the most.

Once you’ve found your favorite scents, you can work with a few drops at a time. Remember that the stronger the oils in the blend, the fewer drops you should use. However, don’t be afraid to change the formula if you’re not happy with the results. After a few days, you should be able to decide whether you’ll like your blend or not.

Creating an essential oil blend is a rewarding hobby, but you need to know the rules of the game. Follow the guidelines of each essential oil, and don’t forget to store your blends safely. Keeping a diary will help you keep track of how your blends change over time.

If you’re unsure of how to mix essential oils, you can use a pre-made blend. Alternatively, you can start with a simple, ten-drop formulation, then work your way up to higher concentrations.