Essential Oil Quotes From the Bible

essential oil quotes from the bible

Essential oils are aromatic compounds produced by steaming or pressing various parts of plants. Their ability to produce scent is evident with a walk through a fragrant garden, but they are also known for other functions.

The Bible is full of references to different oils and botanicals that were used for a variety of purposes, including aromatherapy, spiritual cleansing and healing, as well as ritual offerings and sacrifices. Many of these plants and their oils have become common in the modern world, but they still hold important spiritual significance to those who choose to use them in God-honoring ways.

Often we think of essential oil as something that is used to enhance our sense of smell, but the ancients knew much more about the properties of these compounds. They understood that inhaled molecules travel directly to the brain, impacting the amygdala, an emotional center of the brain.

As a result, they distilled the oils into concentrated form and used them for their therapeutic benefits. They were also able to isolate certain chemicals in the oil that gave it unique qualities.

Some of the most well known essential oils mentioned in the bible include myrrh, frankincense, cedarwood and cypress. These oils are a staple in any healthy home.

Myrrh is one of the most commonly used oils in the bible and is mentioned 157 times. Myrrh is a powerful antimicrobial that can fight infections and support the immune system. Myrrh also helps to heal skin disorders such as eczema and fungal infections like candida.

Frankincense is another highly valued biblical oil and is mentioned in the bible 22 times. It is one of the key ingredients in Moses’ holy anointing oil and is known to be a protective agent.

It is also known for its antimicrobial properties and its ability to support the immune system, as well as its fragrance. The frankincense we find today is extracted from the resin of a tree native to Indonesia called olibanum and is rich in antioxidants.

Cedarwood is mentioned twenty-five times and is associated with cleansing and purification. It is high in pinene and limonene, making it an effective antibacterial essential oil that is beneficial for many health conditions.

Cypress is another very popular biblical oil and it is derived from the evergreen Cupressus sempervirens plant. It is a strong antimicrobial essential oil that is high in antioxidants, with an ORAC value of 15,170.

Hyssop is another very well-known biblical oil and it is a key ingredient in many religious practices. It is a powerful antimicrobial and can help to prevent infection, heal wounds, promote blood circulation and relieve stress. It is also a very soothing essential oil that is beneficial for respiratory concerns, anxiety and depression.

The Bible is full of references to essential oils and botanicals that were used for varying purposes, including aromatherapy, spiritual cleansing and recovery, as well as ritual offerings and sacrifices. The Bible includes several recipes for these oils and their uses in the worship of God, including the Holy Anointing Oil in Exodus 30:22-38.