Essential Oil Jars and Bottles

Essential oils are natural plant-based liquids that contain concentrated organic compounds that pack a powerful aromatic intensity. These volatile organic chemicals can be used in aromatherapy, medicinal and cosmetic applications. They can be diluted for use in lotions and other formulations. Depending on the type of oil, these liquids are highly susceptible to heat, light, and oxygen which degrades and erodes them over time. Bottles that are designed to house and dispense these oils must be made from durable materials that can protect and prolong the life of the product.

The best choice for storing pure, undiluted essential oils is glass bottles. Many types of essential oils contain chemical compounds that can deteriorate plastic packaging over time. This can also degrade the purity of the oil itself, which in turn affects how it performs when used as directed. Glass is an inert material that does not deteriorate when exposed to these volatile organic compounds.

Glass jars and bottles come in an array of colors and designs that are suitable for bottling essential oils. Darker glass bottles such as amber and cobalt blue are recommended to protect the potency and therapeutic properties of these liquids by blocking out harmful light, while selectively allowing in beneficial light rays. A phenolic screw cap that is child-resistant is also an ideal option for this type of packaging.

Another common option for storing essential oil jars is the Euro glass bottle, which features a dropper or orifice reducer that allows the user to control the amount of oil dispensed. This type of closure also helps to combat oxidation, which can change the chemical composition of the oil and reduce its effectiveness and aroma.

For a more portable solution, there are also roller bottles that have the added benefit of providing an easy way to apply essential oil blends to the skin. The small roller ball at the top of these bottles can be rolled onto specific areas on the body, like the temples, wrists, behind the ears or the neck, to deliver the healing benefits of the oil directly to that area of the body.

Choosing the right kind of packaging is important for your essential oils, as it will help to maintain their purity and therapeutic benefits. Proper storage in a dark place away from sunlight will help to extend their shelf life as well. For more diluted oils that are intended for use in a variety of applications, plastic is a viable option for packaging as long as it is properly formulated and stored to prevent degradation. It is always a good idea to test your product with the container you are purchasing, however, to ensure product compatibility.