Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil

The leaves of the cinnamon evergreen tree are used to obtain essential oil of cinnamon, a yellow, watery substance. ‘Cinnamon bark’ is highly fragrant, and its dark-red/brown essential oil is readily available; however, it’s highly irritating on most skin and is seldom recommend for aromatherapy. Essential oil of cinnamon leaf is highly aromatic, with a harsh, sweet and spicy fragrance, somewhat peppery and resembling clove, but stronger and sharper. Cinnamon is used extensively to flavor food and medicine. Cinnamon leaf oil is exhilarating, inspiring and reviving.

Used regularly in a diffuser or vaporizer, cinnamon oil is an excellent preventive for colds and infections from bacteria, virus or fungus. It also speeds recovery during respiratory illness. An abdominal massage with oil containing cinnamon leaf aids a variety of problems caused by sluggish digestion, including flu symptoms and flatulence.

Cinnamon, either in massage oil or bath water, is beneficial for persons with poor circulation who suffer from continual cold hands and feet; this oil will warm body and soul with positive energy. Massaged on joints and spine, cinnamon is a successful remedy for arthritis pain and stiffness.

Cinnamon has life-affirming properties which make it an excellent remedy for feelings of isolation and sadness, as well as lethargy and listlessness. It brings courage, optimism, and renewed enthusiasm for life’s pleasures.


• Cinnamon leaf oil should be avoided on sensitive skin

• Use sparingly – no more than 3 drops in bath water or added to 1/2 oz. massage oil or lotion.

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