Boost Your Energy Naturally With Essential Oils

essential oils energy

The smells of essential oils can trigger a range of emotional, mental and even physical reactions in the body. Many people find certain aromas uplifting and stimulating, perfect for re-energizing during the day or evening, whereas others may relax and unwind with soothing, calming scents. Essential oils can be used aromatically or mixed with a carrier oil and applied topically, but it is always best to start small and work your way up as you become more comfortable using them. It is also important to remember that essential oils are extremely potent, so less really is more when it comes to applying them.

Many of the energizing essential oils are derived from plants with strong roots that penetrate deep into soil and roots, helping to stimulate the body and mind naturally. Rosemary and peppermint, for example, are both well known to boost concentration and focus. Other oils, such as spruce and pine essential oils, are great for centering the mind and promoting feelings of strength and endurance.

Another great energizing essential oil is grapefruit. Its crisp scent is uplifting and energizing, while one of its main chemical components, d-limonene, has stress-relieving properties. The oil also promotes healthy blood circulation, which can help to give the body a natural energy boost.

When diluted properly with a carrier oil, citrus oils can be used on the skin to reduce muscle tension and fatigue. It is important to note, however, that when citrus essential oils are used on the skin, they can cause photosensitivity, which means you will be more sensitive to direct sunlight after application.

For a quick pick-me-up in the morning, try placing your energizing oil of choice on a scent strip or cotton ball and carrying it with you throughout the day. Then, when you feel the need to perk up, simply take a whiff of the oil.

The oils listed above are a few of the most popular choices for boosting energy levels, but there are many more that can have just as much impact on your life and wellbeing. Try mixing a few drops of your favorite energizing oil with jojoba or argan oil and apply it to the back of your neck, wrists or temples. This simple step will instantly help to energize you and keep your mind clear of any stress.

When your alarm goes off first thing in the morning and you hit snooze just once too many, don’t reach for that cup of coffee or sugary energy drink. Instead, grab your energizing oil of choice and see how it helps to kickstart your day!