Aromatherapy With Essential Oils – A Natural Treatment For Headaches and Migraines

essential oils migraine

Aromatherapy with essential oils is a popular natural treatment for headaches and migraines. Though the research is sparse, some studies and anecdotes suggest that these plant-extracted liquids can help ease throbbing, pounding head pain, or soothe other symptoms that accompany it, such as nausea and sleepiness.

But, as with any new treatment, it’s best to check with your doctor before using them. Some people are sensitive to strong scents, and for others, certain fragrances can actually trigger a headache or migraine. And, since migraines can be triggered by various things—including dehydration and stress—it’s important to speak with your doctor about your specific situation.

Adding essential oil to your daily routine can help reduce both the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines, as well as other associated symptoms such as nausea, stress, fatigue, and sleep problems. These oils can be added to a massage oil, inhaled through a diffuser, or applied directly to the skin to help ease headache and migraine pain. They can also be used to help promote good sleep, as a lack of quality sleep has been shown to increase the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines.

Lavender Essential Oil – The relaxing, herbal scent of lavender oil helps relieve tension and stress, which can be a major headache and migraine trigger. It’s also a natural antidepressant and can help with anxiety, which is often a symptom of headaches.

Peppermint Essential Oil – This oil has the power to invigorate and relax the body, which can help ease tension and headaches. It’s also contains menthol, which is known to numb pain and reduce inflammation. It can also be used to clear sinuses, and can be effective for treating nausea that often accompanies headaches and migraines.

Rosemary Essential Oil – The stimulating effects of rosemary oil can help ease your headache, especially if it’s caused by stress or tension. This oil can also help treat irritated sinuses and headaches that are related to allergies.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil – This oil has a strong, soothing, and refreshing scent that can help calm the nervous system and alleviate symptoms of a headache or migraine. It can also be used to clear the sinuses and help with a cough, cold, or flu.

Before applying any oil to your skin, make sure you test it on a small area first. To use, place a few drops of the oil on your fingertips and rub it onto your temples, neck, or back of the neck, where you feel the most pain. Be careful not to overdo it with the oil, as too much can cause a stinging or burning sensation. You can also add it to a warm bath, or put a few drops in your mouth. If you do experience a bad reaction, be sure to discontinue the use of the oil and seek medical attention. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using essential oils, as some of them may be harmful to the fetus.