Essential Oils

Maybe you have heard the term “essential oils” but didn’t know what was meant by it. Perhaps you had a vague idea that it was connected in some way with aromatherapy, but didn’t know how. Now is as good a time as any to learn what essential oils are. Essential oils are made from different parts of plants. They can be made from leaves, like peppermint oil. They can be made from petals, like rose oil. Some are made from bark or wood, like sandalwood.

Others are made from other parts of plants. If a so-called “essential oil” has any animal products in it, it is not truly an essential oil. Also, true essential oils do not contain synthetic ingredients.

Essential oils are usually made by distillation to make the natural oils in a plant substance very concentrated. It takes an enormous amount of plant material to make just a small amount of essential oils. For this reason, they are very expensive. It only takes a few drops of these essential oils to have a powerful effect. Most essential oils are not used directly on the skin. Most are either inhaled or applied in a carrier oil. Sometimes the oils are put into a bath.

You can buy individual essential oils or you can buy blends. If you buy blends, it’s up to the maker to decide what oils to mix together and in what proportions. You can save money this way, because you only have to buy one bottle of a blend rather than several bottles to mix yourself. If money is no object, you might like to have the choice.

Essential oils have been used for centuries to promote physical and mental well-being. There are many varieties of essential oils and there are different ones for almost every ailment out there. There are several choices of oils for many of the conditions. Essential oils enter the body through the sense of smell. This is why they are often inhaled in some way or another. However, they are also absorbed into the tissues of the skin and into the bloodstream. This is especially true when they are used in baths or massages.

When essential oils are inhaled, they reach the limbic system of the brain and go on to affect all the systems that it interfaces with. These include the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, and memory. In the bloodstream, they affect the organs as well. When you have had a massage treatment with essential oils, it is wise not to bathe or wash it off for a couple of hours. This is because the systems of the body take time to absorb the oils from the skin.

Both psychological and medical conditions have been treated with aromatherapy through the use of essential oils. Some can be very expensive, especially those that come from exotic plants. However, by using the few drops as recommended, a small bottle can last a long time. Essential oils are effective tools in controlling uncomfortable symptoms.


There are several essential oils that can help you have a good night’s sleep. The most relaxing of all of the essential oils are Bergamot, Sage, and Sandalwood. Although each has beneficial effects separately, combining all three has the best effect on your mind and body.


Bergamot is a peel from an exotic fruit that smells like the popular citrus scent you get from other fruits. The potent citrus smell makes you feel refreshed and it calms your emotions to give you the euphoric feeling of a calm spirit. You can also blend bergamot with other oils to produce an uplifting feeling with a relaxing state that helps you sleep better.

Clary Sage

Clary sage is a popular essential oil to relax your spirit and it helps get rid of the restlessness from stress and an overactive emotional state. As with some other essential oils, it is distilled from the leaf of a plant that is known to relax you simply from its aromatic smell. It brings you a feeling of well being and within twenty four hours will make you feel like you can conquer the world.

Sandalwood Agmark

The Sandalwood Agmark essential oil will soothe you so that you no longer feel as if the stress of the world is on your shoulders. It helps you ultimately relax and keeps your emotions at bay so that you can sleep throughout the night. The fragrance of the Sandalwood is great for the mind since it is the main factor for stressfully restless nights.


There are several essential oils that can help you relax in your home or in the office. Essential oils such as ylang ylang, chamomile, and neroli will help you relax throughout the day without making you tired. Each have their own unique effects, but when they are used together they are a powerful aromatherapy to ultimately make you feel at peach.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is an extremely potent essential oil that is sensual and relaxing. The balancing effects from the exotic aroma leaves your whole body and spirit feeling relaxed. It is also a romantic aroma and it is perfect for date night or cuddling up with a loved one at night.

Chamomile Maroc

Chamomile Maroc is probably one of the most popular soothing aromas. This essential oil soothes your mind while relaxing your body. It will help you emotionally to combat the irritability and anger that can happen from a day of high levels of stress. If you are a person who has a hard time withholding strong emotions such as anger, chamomile is a great essential oil to help you calm your anger.


Neroli has a combination of relaxation effects that restore your level of peace while rejuvenating your overall energy and body strength. The essential oil is distilled from blossoms of the bitter orange tree. It is an exotic plant that has deep effects on the emotional aspects of your mind. The fragrance can restore your mind to lower levels of stress and disperse the anger left in your body. Irritability will be lessened when this essential oil is used within the office.

All of these oils will help you throughout your day even if used individually. Used together and they will remove the heavy emotional effects of stress and tension. Removing the negative effects of the day can help you maintain your balance, and it is a major factor of dealing with anger management. You will find yourself more productive, and you will have a better customer service friendly attitude. Use these essential oils in combination with other stress relieving oils and you will find your whole presence to be more positive.